Eid Mubarak. Eid Ul Adha prayer will be held on Sunday, 16 June at Dentonia Park Soccer field. Time -9:30 AM-Eid Mubarak. Eid Ul Adha prayer will be held on Sunday, 16 June at Dentonia Park Soccer field. Time -9:30 AM-Eid Mubarak. Eid Ul Adha prayer will be held on Sunday, 16 June at Dentonia Park Soccer field. Time -9:30 AM-Eid Mubarak. Eid Ul Adha prayer will be held on Sunday, 16 June at Dentonia Park Soccer field. Time -9:30 AM-Eid Mubarak. Eid Ul Adha prayer will be held on Sunday, 16 June at Dentonia Park Soccer field. Time -9:30 AM-Eid Mubarak. Eid Ul Adha prayer will be held on Sunday, 16 June at Dentonia Park Soccer field. Time -9:30 AM-Eid Mubarak. Eid ul fitr prayer will be held on Wednesday, 10th April at Dentonia Park Soccer field. Time -9:30 AM-Eid Mubarak. Eid ul fitr prayer will be held on Wednesday, 10th April at Dentonia Park Soccer field. Time -9:30 AM-Eid Mubarak. Eid ul fitr prayer will be held on Wednesday, 10th April at Dentonia Park Soccer field. Time -9:30 AM-Eid Mubarak. Eid ul fitr prayer will be held on Wednesday, 10th April at Dentonia Park Soccer field. Time -9:30 AM

Islamic History Month-2016 Celebration

In Ontario, October is now being celebrated as Islamic Heritage Month or as Canadian Islamic History Month. It has been officially recognized federally since 2007. Muslim are playing a great contribution to Canada.

For celebrating this month, Danforth Islamic Center is going to arrange a discussion session on “Muslim Contribution To Canada and Today’s Youth ” at 6:30 PM, Oct 29, Saturday 2016. Sheikh Musleh khan , a renowned Imam and Teacher of Islamic Institute of Toronto (IIT) will be the guest speaker on this event. You all are invited.


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